2024 MindSalt Annual Client Survey Results

At MindSalt we talk a lot about being purpose-driven: the idea that organizations must operate with values and purpose that go beyond profits and contribute to the greater good. Not only do we talk about this, but we are committed to living it. We are driven each day by our purpose to help clients achieve enduring success and real impact. Like most, we are a work in progress and our client feedback remains one of our greatest tools for growth and improvement.  

Focusing on Client Satisfaction 

In late 2024, we conducted our annual client survey to assess how well we’re serving our clients, helping them achieve their goals, and living our values. We’re proud to share that in 2024, 100 percent of our clients reported a “top box” satisfaction rating for their experience with MindSalt, stating that they were satisfied or very satisfied with our work and accomplishments on their behalf. Eighty-two percent (82%) said they were highly likely to recommend MindSalt to another organization, and 87 percent (87%) said they were highly likely to hire MindSalt again in the future!  

A few additional insights from our 2024 survey: 

    • Making an Impact: One hundred percent (100%) of our clients reported that MindSalt “Creates Solutions that help us” and 94 percent (94%) report that we “Deliver promised results.”
    • Ability to Deliver: Seventy-five (75%) percent of our clients said that “Relevant prior work experiences” and “Skills or ability to deliver” were both important factors in their decision to hire MindSalt.
    • Trust Is Key: One hundred percent (100%) of our clients said we demonstrate accountability, integrity, and trust in our work with them and fifty percent (50%) said “Trust and personal connection” and “Capacity to deliver” were important factors in their decision to hire us.  
    • Values Matter: Ninety-three percent (93%) of our clients reported that we have demonstrated the following MindSalt corporate values in our work:
      • Results and Impact
      • Being Kind
      • Stand Shoulder-to-Shoulder with Clients